PART 23- 2007 Calgary Kyokushin Karate Friendship Seminar


I arrived at the Mackenzie Towne Hall on Friday night for the first training session. Being the first one there, I didnft know who was going to show up, but slowly the Calgary contingent arrived along with Shihan Stuart, and Sensei Brad and the training began.  We started with the warm up, stretching, and Kihon, which was conducted by Shihan Stuart. He emphasized correct posture even when fatigue sets in. Proper form is essential at all times. We moved on to Ido Gekko where Shihan emphasized proper stances and stance transitions using basic techniques. One thing I had to correct was moving my front foot when moving in Zenkutsu Dachi. Next, we went on to Kata, which included the Taikyokufs and Pinanfs.  The brown belts demonstrated Taikyoku 1 backwards. It was a great start to the seminar. We did a lot of basic training but it was not easy. 

The next day started at 8am at the Calgary Dojo. I can only speak for myself but I was a bit groggy and sore from last nightfs training but we started again. The training was more or less the same as the first day with some fighting training. Again we worked on basic punches and kicks making sure our hand were up at all times. This was not easy, as we had to do fighting combinations at least 40 times on each side. We paired up and applied our combinations with our partners again using basic punches and kicks. After a long 2 hour break, the next training included more Ido Gekko which involved stance transitions: Zenkutsu Dachi to Kiba Dachi, Sanchin Dachi to Kokutsu Dachi, Kake Dachi to Nekoashi Dachi better know as the Sister Stances. I loved all of the combinations and Ifll definitely keep these in mind if Ifm called on to teach these.

 Next was the Officialfs Clinic where Shihan went over the rules and regulations in the Tournament Officialfs Handbook and practiced our judging. We practiced using our flags and whistles along with properly entering and exiting the ring and doing some practice judging. Many different situations can arise in a tournament where you are called upon to make the right decision so we went over many scenarios. Gentenfs with Wasarifs and what the decision should be made. It is imperative that a judge is fully trained and unbiased because it reflects on the organization and possible the safety of the fighters since this is a contact sport.

 The last training of the day consisted of Bo-training. We went over the opening and ending with fudo dachi and masubi dachi stances and focused on the first two Katafs. At the end of class we gave Shihan Stuart a well deserved round of applause, as he had to return to the Lower Mainland.

 Sunday morning we gathered for our last training session. Sensei Nathan from Edmonton was our instructor. We did the warm up and worked on our fighting training. Sensei Nathan stressed that we can take fighting techniques learned from different instructors and adapt it to your own. It was great to train with him as I learned some different training methods and techniques that I had not seen before.

 Finally, I would like to thank Sensei Brad for making it possible to have this seminar, Shihan Stuart for his invaluable instruction, which will greatly enhance my Karate knowledge and finally I would like to thank my Father for taking these great pictures of the training sessions. The seminar was ideal for me because I was able to learn new Karate techniques and training methods, meet new people some of whom I will definitely meet again when we test for our Shodan, and visiting with my parents whom I should see more often. I canft wait until the next one.

Dana Yoneda


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