PART 20- Our fifth season's end training & party (June 2007)



It seems like yesterday that we opened the Collingwood Dojo and just like that five years has gone by. Time flies when you're having fun! 
Looking back, we definitely grew as a club and we are now a recognized entity within the community. Over the years we saw kids growing bigger, stronger, and we saw many friendships form. These friendships extended beyond the dojo and now we are like a large family.
The 2006-2007 season was full of excitement and we kept very busy as usual. Thanks to the organization and it's organizing members our dojo had a chance to participate at many great events, like: "The Banff Black Belt Conference, Vancouver Cup, Newton Tournament, Winter Camp, and The Canadian Championship". We also had guest instructors and students from other clubs and even other countries visiting our dojo. We also visited other clubs and trained with our extended kyokushin family. The most emotional event for most of us was to train with Sensei Tony Severs, before he retired as an instructor.
In the Collingwood Dojo on the last day of training on June 29th we prepared many exciting demos for the parents and friends, including katas, board breaking, bo-fighting, and a self-defense spectacular by Jacky, taking on 16 people all at once. After the "Show" we all enjoyed our usual kyokushin social potluck dinner.
Thank you for another super year, have a great summer vacation and we'll see you all in September! 
For those of you, who wants to train in the summer, please come to Enderby for the annual summer camp. Locally Sempai Laszlo will also do his usual summer training, twice a week:
Wednesday night 6-8pm, and Saturday morning 8-10am.  
Best Wishes to you and your family from all of us at Collingwood, OSU!




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