PART 19 - Student Questionnaire (December 2nd, 2003)

We are talking with Derek Fong, a 5th kyu with the South Arm dojo.

1. How long have you been training?
-- I've been training since I was 7 years old. I'm 13 now, so that's 5 years.

2. How did you hear about karate and what made you start training?
-- My mom wanted me to get some self defence, so she signed me up through the South Arm Community centre.

3. What do you like most about training?
-- I like the kicking and punching, all the techniques. I like the exercise and also the friendship of everyone.

4. Do you prefer competing in fighting, kata, or just training?
-- I like to train mostly, but I like to fight too.

5. What organizational events have you participated in?(tournaments, camps, etc.)
-- I went in the Langley tournament and the Newton tournament.

6. Which event is your favorite, and why?
-- I liked the Newton tournament most because I got to fight more. I lost right away at Langley.

7. What personal goals have you set for yourself, and have you achieved any of them?
-- To kick and punch harder. I guess I've achieved that a bit.

8. What are your plans for the future. Where do you see yourself in 6 months, a year, 10 years?
-- My plans are to get my Black belt and to be a Sempai. In 6 months I would like to have my green belt. Maybe my brown belt in a year, maybe. In ten years, definitely a black belt!

9. What is the best way the club (and/or) the IKOK-C can help you in your karate endeavors?
-- I want to learn more self defence, so teaching that would be good.

10. What is the best way you can help the club and/or the IKOK-C?
- -By listening and training hard. And by having good attendance.