PART 4 - Year End Family Picnic (June 2005)

June 26, 2005 saw the Banff Club's year end family picnic.  A social was held outdoors at the scenic Banff Recreation Grounds for members and their families.   

The picnic rounded out a successful year of training.  Kyu testing took place the week previous to the picnic as well as our annual Spirit Test.  A run up Sulphur Mountain, where the adults and one spirited 7 year old Tyler Pecsi (Jr. Kyu) raced to the top of the mountain.  The fasted time being acquired by the Club's new Brown Belt (Daymon Miller) at 47 minutes and change.  All club members present completed the spirit test in less than one hour and 10 minutes. 

The club will convene again in September. 


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