PART 1 - Surprise Guests (Oct.8, 2002)
North Okanagan - Armstrong Dojo

Two surprise guests attended training Tuesday, October 8.

Sempai Brad Gillespie (Calgary Dojo) was in town visiting family. Stuart Corrigal was also passing through Armstrong and had the opportunity to stop and train with the Armstrong dojo members.

Training was spirited as all students gave their best. The children's class was well attended and all the students enjoyed the training. The adult class was high energy right from the start. Sempai Brad worked the students on the warm up and kihon. The class then moved through ido geiko with many different combinations presented. Finally, conditioning, pad work and fighting training gave everyone a challenge to finish the class.

After class the seniors enjoyed a social evening to talk and enjoy the Kyokushin camaraderie that goes along with the rigors of Kyokushin training.